Traffic around a round-about.

When do you need an international driver's license?


你梦想中的国外假期就要来了,你希望能够踏上开阔的道路,看看所有的风景. 但是在你开始在其他国家开车之前,了解当地的规则和法律是很重要的. 标识更改和需求可能令人困惑. 许多国家需要国际驾驶许可证(IDP)才能合法驾驶. 无IDP驾驶的罚款可能相当昂贵.

An IDP allows you to drive legally in 150 countries. 此外,IDP将您的身份信息翻译成10种语言. 在你的国际旅行之前一定要提前计划好.

Do I need an IDP?

在一些城市和国家,公共交通非常普遍,可以很好地满足你的需要. 如果你决定在国外开车的话, 让自己熟悉道路规则,因为它们可能与你所习惯的不同.

根据你计划访问的国家,可能需要一个国内流离失所者. There are a few countries, notably China, 它们不识别IDP,所以检查是否有 country recognizes the IDP before you leave. In addition, some countries, notably Mexico, 加拿大和英国允许美国司机使用美国驾照.S. 短期的,通常不超过6到12个月.

在你出国旅行之前,如果你打算在那里开车或租车,最好得到IDP作为一种形式的身份证明. Most countries 建议有一个IDP有你的名字,照片和司机信息. IDP不得在预期生效日期前6个月以上颁发.


在美国,只有两个组织可以签发国内流离失所者身份证明 American Automobile Association (AAA) and the American Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA).

To be eligible for an IDP, you must:

  • Be a permanent resident of the U.S. or territories, U.S. citizenship is not a requirement;
  • Be at least 18 years of age and hold a valid driver's license issued by a state or territory of the United States; and
  • 从IDP签发之日起,保持您的执照有效期至少六个月.

IDP申请可以在网上或通过邮件获得. The State Department, also recommends obtaining IDPs from an American Automobile Association (AAA) site or American Automotive Touring Alliance (AATA) office. A few of the application requirements to apply are:

  • A completed IDP application form,
  • Original passport pictures each signed on the back,
  • $20 USD permit fee, and
  • A photocopy of both sides of your driver's license.


Driving tests 声明可以在AAA分支机构立即签发IDP. 通常,AAA或AATA的邮件可能需要10到15个工作日. An IDP is valid for one year.

Can I use my U.S. driver's license in Italy?

According to the U.S. Embassy in Italy, 计划前往意大利旅游的美国人如果打算开车,应该在离开美国之前获得国际驾驶许可证. 游客也可以使用他们的有效的美国驾驶执照,如果附有官方意大利语翻译.

Can I drive in the U.K. with a U.S. license?

你可以用你目前的有效驾照在英国开车长达12个月, but if your journey takes you further into Europe, you may want to consider an IDP.

Will I need auto insurance in a foreign country?

你要去的国家可能需要外国汽车pp王者电子官网. Even though you have U.S. 汽车pp王者电子官网,取决于国家和美国的条款.S. auto insurance policy, the U.S. policy may not cover claims in the foreign country. Please check with your agent prior to traveling.

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