Woman sits in front of laptop, reviewing her 遗产规划.


Marriage, death and divorce are definite times you should review your 遗产规划. 这里还有一些其他的.

Major life events such as the birth of a child or a death in the family are widely known to be important times to revise your 遗产规划. But t在这里 are other, potentially less obvious situations that may lead to changes in your plans. Here are four scenarios that could trigger a review:

A significant change in your income or net worth

A gain (or loss) of income could mean adjusting your 遗产规划, particularly any life insurance policy you might have in place. You may also need to adjust your plan if you inherit a large sum of money that boosts the overall value of your estate — particularly if it leads to your estate exceeding the threshold for federal or state estate taxes.

An adjustment in the vision of your legacy

Your plan likely reflects your original vision for your legacy. 但这种看法会随着时间的推移而改变. You may want to change how much money you leave to your heirs versus 你最喜欢的慈善机构 (and what you count as 你最喜欢的慈善机构 may change as well). Regularly reviewing your 遗产规划 can help keep it aligned with your evolving wishes.


Just as you continue to change and grow, so too will your heirs. You may need to make adjustments to your plan as your children grow up, including loosening limitations on the assets you leave them or perhaps tightening those limitations if you develop concerns about their ability to manage their own finances.


New legislation and tax changes can have a major impact on your 遗产规划. Review your plan every few years to make sure it accounts for any recent changes in the law, such as the updates to federal estate tax exemptions or new regulations around inherited IRAs that took place recently.

在没有这些场景的情况下 其他重大生活事件, you should review your 遗产规划 every three to five years. That way you can make sure your plans continue to reflect your current needs and wishes.

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