
Divorce and finances


When someone gets married, 他们最不愿意考虑的是如何在经济上度过离婚. 然而,离婚可以发生在任何年龄和婚姻的任何阶段. 在离婚后,你能做的最重要的事情之一就是让你的财务状况井然有序. 这就是为什么财务规划对于离婚后重新开始是至关重要的.

在准备离婚的过程中,参考一下父母的建议会很有帮助 divorce checklist. 此外,在离婚期间和离婚后进行财务规划时,要考虑这些方面.

Understanding financial impacts

了解离婚对你的经济影响是很重要的. 因为你可能会从两个收入来源减少到一个, 你的单一收入可能不足以维持你的生活水平. 雇佣一个财务专家可能是一个不错的选择,可以帮助你在处理离婚协议之前完成财务流程. 使用这个 spending calculator 看看你今天花了多少钱,如果做出调整,你可能会花多少钱.

Gathering important documents

在收集重要文件时,你想要回溯的最少年份是三年. Documentation should include:

  • Bank and credit card statements
  • Loan paperwork
  • Real estate papers
  • 退休 account details
  • pp王者电子官网 documents 和意志
  • Stocks and bonds
  • 纳税申报表
  • A list of personal property and sentimental items
  • A home inventory

Evaluating your accounts

Consider closing joint accounts, changing any direct deposits, and updating your address on accounts as necessary. It’s also important to 考虑 whether beneficiary changes 是否需要人寿pp王者电子官网、退休帐户和其他法律文件,包括 and power of attorney.

Creating a budget

Due to the impacts a divorce can have on your finances, it’s a good idea to 考虑 creating a new monthly budget. 一定要把水费、医药费、杂货费、房屋维修费和孩子的运动费都包括在内.

  • Total up your expenses
  • Total up your income
  • Subtract your expenses from your income
  • Determine if the net result is positive or negative

If the result is positive, that’s a good thing.If the result is negative, you may want to 考虑 裁员或者减少外出就餐、购物、个人美容或流媒体服务等支出. 你也可以考虑寻找其他的方式来补充你的收入, such as getting a second job, to help cover your monthly expenses.

Rethinking health insurance

If you depend on your spouse for health insurance, 你可能需要在离婚后找到自己的pp王者电子官网. If your employer offers a health insurance option, 考虑改用你雇主的pp王者电子官网计划是个好主意. 离婚被认为是一种生活变化,允许在典型的登记期之外登记. 眼镜蛇 insurance is another option, but it can be expensive.

Creating new goals

为你的财务未来做计划是前进的关键, including setting short- and long-term savings goals.

  • Short-term goals: It's a good time to start building an emergency fund if you don’t already have one. You may want to 考虑 using extra funds to get out of debt 也.
  • Long-term goals: You may also want to 考虑 saving for college and/or saving for a mortgage.

不管是不是第一次离婚,这都不是一件容易的事. 和爱你、支持你的人在一起是个好主意, and don’t forget to ask for help if you need it.

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