

无论你是在做详细的预算还是只是估算, the major expenses to consider for most vacations are listed 在这里 along with tips to save money on these choices.



  • 规划 well ahead of time ensures you can reserve popular travel choices before they're sold out. 它也给了更多的时间去 研究一下你的假期,为它存更多的钱 并在好的价值出现时识别并保护它们.
  • 如果你能在淡季旅行, expenses can be significantly less and your destination may not be as crowded.


  • Looking at city websites for your destination can give ideas of what to do t在这里.
  • Finding online customer reviews can suggest whether local 景点 are worthwhile.
  • 如果你在看用外语显示的网站, you can copy and paste foreign language text from reviews and websites into a 语言翻译 来了解他们在交流什么.


This is generally one of the largest expenses and will affect your timeline the most. 对于大多数假期来说, you'll need to factor in transportation costs to and from the transport hub and while at your destination.

  • 飞行. 如果你想远行, get somew在这里 fast or you have airline miles built up on your credit card, 这是最有意义的. 有很多搜索廉价航班的网站 研究表明,从一种到另一种可能有很大的变化因此,获得多个航班竞标是值得的. Sometimes you might save money by taking a different airline for the return trip than you took for the flight t在这里. 记住要考虑时机,而不仅仅是成本. 例如, most wouldn't want to take 5 more hours and 2 extra stops to get to their destination while saving only $20.
  • 驾驶你的车辆. This can be the way to go for your budget and can also be more convenient. 你带任何你能装下的行李都不用付钱, no need to stop over at stations or airports and you'll already have transportation for while you're at your destination. 一个小 出行前的汽车保养 可以防止故障. You may want to include 车辆 wear and tear in your budget and set some money aside in case you have any mechanical needs. 拼车比其他方式节省了很多钱, making this a popular choice for group and family vacations on a budget.
  • 坐火车. Train lovers will find it worthwhile to pay for a sleeping car if they can reserve it early enough. Another option is to sleep in the seat to save money compared to other travel methods. 长途机票的价格与机票相当 你可以体验一些风景如画的地方. If you don't want to take a train both ways, you could catch a flight home.
  • 乘坐游轮. 乘坐游轮可以是一次美妙的经历,而且物超所值. 在吃饭, 住宿, 旅行到多个站点和一些娱乐已经提供, 这样做既有趣又省钱.


这通常是你假期的另一项主要开支. Consider that some of these choices can include a kitchen and refrigerator, which can save you money or better meet your dietary needs compared to restaurants alone. 以下是一些住宿选择、想法和预算考虑:

  • 酒店. 就像廉价航班一样,有 很多酒店聚合器 还有一些人搜索飞机和酒店. It can also pay to get multiple bids in addition to checking directly with hotels of your choice.
  • 租房子. 有相当多的网站 租度假屋. These can cost more or less than the hotel option, so it can be worthwhile looking into each. This can be a good route to go for group savings and family vacations on a budget.
  • 野营. 如果你喜欢户外活动, 野营 会是一个很好的选择吗. 把你的 露营者 与其他住宿选择相比,搭帐篷可以节省你的钱.
  • 和别人呆在一起. 最便宜的度假住宿是和朋友或家人住在一起. You'll have to decide if it would be a good experience for everyone involved. 对于喜欢社交的人来说,另一个低成本的选择是住旅馆.


  • 度假pp王者电子官网需求. Check your policies and talk to an agent if your vacation is affected by the following:
    • 租车pp王者电子官网. 如果你租一辆车,你可能会被问到你是否想要 租车pp王者电子官网. 最终,由你来决定 如果你需要额外的pp王者电子官网.
    • 你的车的pp王者电子官网范围. If you have a United 状态s auto policy, it includes out of state car insurance. If you drive outside the US, check with an agent on what you'll need.
    • 保护您的住所. Some insurance companies require your home to be checked in on every 48 to 72 hours. 看看你的是否有, 如果是这样的话, you could either have someone check on it for you or look into purchasing an add-on to your policy. 以下是你可以采取的步骤 度假时保护好你的家.
    • 人寿pp王者电子官网. Depending on the activities you plan to do on your vacation or the volatility of the locations you're visiting, 你可能想要获得 人寿pp王者电子官网 或者如果你有,注意它是否受到影响.
    • 保护好贵重物品. 与一个 个人物品政策 items such as jewelry and cameras are covered while at home or on vacation.

  • 度假时的各种开销. 其他费用将根据你的个人品味而有很大的不同. Spend time imagining yourself on your vacation and consider each type of expense you predict you'll have so you can be prepared. 其他需要考虑的花销包括食物, 停车, 通行费, 纪念品, 礼物, 娱乐, 景点, 酒店服务, 特殊的装置, 宠物护理和儿童护理. 如果你是,这里有一些事情要记住 带宠物旅行

Now you have some fairly detailed information to help you plan your vacation and also to make it affordable. 惊喜仍然会出现,所以在你的预算中留出一些空间. 有了这样的准备, 你可以在购物时感到自信, 好好享受你的假期,为你的一生留下美好的回忆.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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