

准备好成为一个企业主? 遵循以下步骤创建商业计划.

任何规模或结构的新业务, no matter the type of product or service — needs a roadmap to get itself underway and connect with customers. But without a plan on paper (or in a file on your computer), the idea is just that: an idea. 制定商业计划 to take that brilliant business ah-ha out of your head and put it into a form that others — including potential 投资者 and business partners, 可能借钱给你的银行, 而潜在的雇员——可以消费, 质疑并最终接受.

学习如何制定商业计划并不困难. 一份商业计划可以帮助你组织起来, 打入你的理想市场, dive deep into the competition and examine your financial situation for the tenuous but important first couple of years. 你不用花几个月的时间就能完成这一切.

是否使用 一个传统的或精益的计划格式, each contains roughly the same elements — and these elements are the most time-consuming portion of developing a business plan. 在很多情况下, your lean plan or the executive summary of your traditional plan is your business' first impression — be sure to put in the time and energy to make it shine. So, 做调查,计算数字,了解你的受众. Avoid getting into the weeds with language that caters to industry insiders (unless that is your audience) and instead keep your message clear, 简明扼要,在日常生活中呈现, 容易理解的措辞. 记住: 保持简单和简短.



第一步:执行摘要: The executive summary is the most important part of your plan – a one-page summary of the entire business plan. And it will probably be the part of the business plan that you circle back to and write last.

第二步:描述: 为什么——你公司的目的. 它将包括你的使命宣言, the name of your company and a brief description of the service or product that you will offer.

第三步:业务目标: 你今天和明天要完成什么? Then explain how you are going to reach those goals — your strategy.

第四步:市场分析 : 调查行业、市场和竞争对手. 你的产品的机会在哪里? 对经济增长? 谁是你的目标客户? 你怎样才能比竞争对手做得更好呢?

第五步:组织和管理 : 描述你公司的法律结构、地点和历史. Don't forget to talk about your team and what positions you'd like to hire in the future. Include your Business Model, which describes how you make money and identifies your revenue streams. 然后包括你的目标市场, 基本上就是你的客户, the channels you'll use to reach them and the interactions you'll have.

第六步:产品和服务: What is the "problem"you are trying to solve by selling your product or service? 你的产品或服务将如何使你的客户受益? 解释一下你已经做过或将要做的研究.

第七步:营销和销售: 制定吸引和留住客户的计划——促销, 广告, 公共关系, 内容营销和社交媒体. You also need to lay out how operations and distribution will work and set milestones and metrics for success. 最后, 调查你的竞争优势并确定关键策略, 例如直接向消费者销售或使用技术.

第八步:资金申请: 概述你未来三到五年的资金需求, 包括收入预测, 费用, 现金流量和预算. 提供有关如何使用这笔钱的细节. Include financial projections showing how your business will be financially successful. Providing a 金融 Summary outlining expected 费用 and a cost structure can help establish stability in your business.

第九步:附录: Use this section for additional information such as product images or illustrations and supporting documents such as permits, 专利, 合同, 等.


在很多情况下,商业计划可以只用一页纸写下来. 被称为精益计划, it creates a summary of the key elements of your business that can be presented in bullet points.

  • 问题 . 你的产品解决了什么问题,满足了什么需求?
  • 解决方案 . 你在卖什么?? 贵公司给市场带来的独特价值是什么?
  • 商业模式. 你是怎么赚钱的? 你的收入来源是什么?
  • 目标市场. 谁是你的客户?? 你会用什么渠道去接触他们? 客户将如何与你的业务互动?
  • 竞争优势. 你的主要活动是什么? Identify strategies, 例如直接向消费者销售或使用技术.
  • 管理团队. 你的团队和你的好点子一样重要. 他们将如何帮助你成功?
  • 财务总结. The financial forecast should outline expected 费用 and a cost structure.
  • 资金要求. 估计你的需求并描述投资将如何使用.

The lean plan may be all you need — and is a great way to get your foot in the door — but be ready for lenders and 投资者 to ask for more detailed information or a presentation. 这就是 球场上甲板 可能会起作用. 如果你打算从传统渠道——银行申请融资, 投资者, business partners — you'll need every element in a traditional business plan, 上面详细的.


如果你还有问题, 您将找到示例和模板, 计算器和详细的规划信息, 启动, 管理和发展您的业务通过 U.S. 小企业管理局 (sba.gov). You can also search for a local SBA office and partners for in-person assistance. 最后, build a network and continue to develop resources that you'll need.


您正在创建一个工具来帮助您的业务运行和发展, 它应该随着事情的变化而更新. Think of it as a strategic planning document for short- and long-term goals, 费用和目标——所有这些都会随着时间的推移而改变.

更多的文章 关于经营,pp王者电子官网和保护你的小企业.

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The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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