Infographic that shares various ways to support small businesses in your neighborhood.


When you support local business, you 有所作为 in your neighborhood. 这是如何.

Small businesses are a critical part of neighborhoods across the nation, 是什么让每个社区如此独特. 三分之一的人支持本地商业 每周在当地购物 和 82%的购物者 would choose to support local business rather than a large corporation when provided similar options. 当你支持一个小公司, your dollars help create jobs for your community while also supporting innovation 和 competition.

目前,大约有 31.700万家小企业 在美国.S.,它们解释了 65.1%的新工作 自2000年以来. However, local companies need even more support during 和 following the p和emic. 截至2020年11月, 29.7%的小企业受到了负面影响 by the p和emic with accommodation 和 food services; arts, entertainment 和 recreation; 和 educational services ranking as the 最大的行业. During the p和emic, Black owners have experienced a decline in 业务活动 几乎是其他业主的三倍.

作为领导者之一 小型企业pp王者电子官网公司, 状态 Farm® knows how important it is to support local. And whether you're looking to make small steps to improve your community or you already support local small business on a regular basis, 我们有一些建议——两者都有 简单的 和 开箱即用的 -关于如何 有所作为 在你的角落里.

1. 店小

在购买之前, 亲自或在线查看当地商店. 或者转向像bookstore这样的平台, Lyst 和 Sook for help finding books or clothing from small retailers.

2. 探索和实验

一个月一次, skip the chain 餐厅 or big-box hardware store 和 seek out local alternatives. 询问邻居或查看Yelp上的推荐.

3. 跳过中间商

Order directly from your favorite local 餐厅s 和 stores. Third-party delivery 和 shopping apps charge merchants high fees that reduce their already-small profits.

4. 加入CSA

社区支持农业(CSA)是一个系统 connecting farmers with locals who will purchase their fresh ingredients. 检查localharvest.org查找您所在地区的CSA选项.

5. 购买礼品卡

每当生日和节日来临, 赠送当地水疗中心的礼品卡, 餐厅, 剧院或其他当地企业. Gift cards are a great way to introduce others to your favorites.

6. 捐款

Charities are valuable employers 和 providers in local communities. 通过 donating to small nonprofits or give directly to the local chapters 国家组织的.

7. 点“赞”

你也可以在不购买的情况下支持小企业. 喜欢他们的社交媒体简介, leaving positive reviews 和 sharing them with your friends 强大的口碑广告.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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