
大学 is a big step in a young adult's life. 帮助 prepare your student for the transition with the following tips.

讨论 健康 和 pp王者电子官网 basics can help college-bound kids manage classes, 工作和个人生活.



  • 制定预算. List income sources 和 separate essentials from the nice-to-haves. 一款银行应用程序可以帮助追踪支出情况.
  • Check for local branches of your bank, or open an account at a bank near campus.


  • 确保疫苗接种是最新的.
  • Send copies of any relevant medical details with your student.
  • Learn w在这里 college 健康 services are 和 what's available to students.


  • 检查你的 汽车pp王者电子官网 覆盖你的学生. Set a maintenance schedule 和 locate a close-by mechanic for repairs.
  • Verify the family 健康 pp王者电子官网 policy extends to college kids.
  • If your student lives on campus, they are probably covered by your homeowners/renters policy. 但如果他们住在校外 租房者pp王者电子官网 建议. 和你的州立农场谈谈® 代理今天!




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pp王者电子官网 和 other tips for college students 和 their belongings

Underst和 how your homeowners pp王者电子官网 policy could protect your college student 和 their belongings while they're living in a residence hall or dorm room.

Choosing the Right 大学: How to 帮助 Your Child Decide

How can you help your high school graduate take the next step on their education path? Four parameters help you jump-start the conversation.

Give the gift of education with college savings plans

You or any other family member can give the gift of education by opening a 529 or other college savings plan account specifically for future higher education expenses.

Ways to save for college 和 the average costs

Learn the average cost of college 和 ways you can start saving for college now such as 529, 给未成年人的工作服和制服礼物.