A dad is letting his young son hold his credit card to swipe at a store cash register.


帮助 children set goals for their money to set up a lifetime of good financial habits.

Teaching children about money doesn't have to be complicated.

Make money lessons part of everyday life: That's the advice of Jayne Pearl, co-author of Kids, Wealth and Consequences: Ensuring a Responsible 金融 Future for the Next Generation. 这样做的时候, 你的孩子会, 作为成年人, can maintain stability through financial peaks and valleys and learn from their mistakes.



开始简单. 告诉你的孩子如何赚钱. It can be small to start; for example, 孩子就读的学校每年级一美元, 每周支付一次. Encourage them to divide the money between spending, savings and charitable giving.


帮助你的孩子制定一个储蓄目标. Just ask what the child wants that costs more than, say, their weekly allowance. 帮助他们找到最好的省钱方式. For example, should the child save all of the allowance for the number of weeks it would take? 工作周数加倍,津贴减半? 零用钱加上生日钱?

Giving a few different options shows children they have some control over the best way to reach their goals.


Once a child understands how saving works, you can add another lesson about investing. You can show how compound interest allows money to accumulate faster than it would if left in a piggy bank. As a next step, help the child open a simple bank savings account. The child can contribute money from allowance, gifts and jobs such as shoveling snow or babysitting.

This is also a good time to talk about the difference between wants and needs, 珍珠建议, 你可以把它变成一节有趣的课. Define wants and needs (such as a safe place to live, food, clothes, education and medical care). When you and your child catch each other saying "I need" versus "I want,“有罪的人把钱放在罐子里, which can later be put toward a shared want or a charity.


Put your discussions into action by letting them apply those skills through real-world application:

  • While shopping, pay for one purchase with cash and the other with a card. Explain that the credit card is not free money, and you'll have to pay the bank back later.
  • 当你的孩子要求预支零用钱时, 解释说他们必须在某个日期之前还钱, 就像你用信用卡一样.
  • 永远不要向你的孩子隐瞒你的经济困难, 告诉他们, "Every family — no matter how wealthy or poor — goes in cycles, 上上下下,珀尔说。. 在一起, 头脑风暴削减开支的方法, like making pizza instead of ordering out or building a snowman instead of going to a movie.
  • Pearl let her son keep his school lunch money if he made his own lunch the night before. 他还制作了储蓄图表,并张贴了进球的照片. "If he saw something else he wanted, I would say, 'Well, you can buy it. But if you do it's going to take longer to save up for your goal,'珀尔说。.

You can also help children follow investments by reviewing account statements with them, showing them how to do financial research on the Internet and answering their questions about money. If you get them interested early on, they'll have skills they can use for a lifetime.

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