Two homes next to each other in a neighborhood, with white picket fences 和 trees.


什么是可以分享的,什么是可能导致邻居分歧的? Read on for ideas to avoid property line disputes, build bonds 和 maintain community.

不管你是有房子还是 租金, we all borrow the proverbial cup of sugar from our neighbors from time to time. 我们是否需要一个快速启动, 一个套筒扳手或者在我们不在的时候给我们的植物浇水的人, 有时候我们需要寻求帮助.

作为一个 好邻居 means it's important to reciprocate 和 find your own ways to share, but it's also necessary to protect your home 和 set appropriate boundaries so that you don't have property line disputes. 知道你的 房主的 or 房东的 pp王者电子官网范围也很重要. These simple scenarios may help you create your own boundaries 和 share ideas for great 邻居关系.


俗话说,好篱笆造就好邻居. 但或许同样正确的是,好邻居造就好篱笆. It's better to communicate about fence construction beforeh和 than to deal with an argument (or even a legal dispute) afterward. 在一些社区, 篱笆可以直接建在你的地产线上, with both neighbors sharing the cost 和 the responsibility of maintaining the fence over time, making it doubly important to proactively partner with your neighbor. 如果邻居把栅栏完全建在自己的土地上, 他们不需要和你在成本或设计上达成一致, but it's st和ard fence etiquette to face the "good" side of the fence (the one without the rails 和 posts) toward the neighbor's property.


Keeping your property 和 curb tidy is a responsibility of being part of a community, 一个业主,一个好邻居. 这意味着尽你最大的努力去保持它 干净美观. 许多社区都有杂草丛生的“一栋房子”, 房屋油漆剥落, 杂乱的灌木丛, 满溢的排水沟简直就是眼中钉.

不幸的是,社区中只有一个家庭会受到影响 属性值 对于整个社区来说. Make sure you clean up the front of your property 和 house as much as you can. 如果你有能力,可以考虑提供帮助 帮助你的邻居 当你看到需要清理的东西时. Also, it is always nice to help out if your neighbors are elderly, disabled, out of town or ill. 他们可能会在某个时候回报你.


做一个负责任的邻居 宠物的主人 是很重要的. Unfortunately, not all people are responsible 宠物的主人s, 和 it can become an issue. Occasionally, a neighborhood pet may w和er off or come into your yard. 小心地控制或用皮带拴住动物, 如果你认为这样做是安全的, 试着联系宠物主人. If your pet gets loose or is lost, alert your neighbors to be on the lookout.

When letting pets out or walking them, always restrain them 和 clean up after them. 它有助于使用 右皮带或挽具 遛狗时. 即使你的狗没有拴绳也很乖, 其他的狗可能会对没有拴住的狗做出攻击性反应. 总是采取预防措施,注意你的环境.

接近动物时要小心,以免被动物咬伤 被咬, 或者做任何可能鼓励攻击性的事情. If you see a pet that is acting strange or appears to be a stray, call your local animal control. 涉及宠物和咬伤的事故确实发生过. They occur even with the most responsible 宠物的主人s 和 in the safest of neighborhoods. 一定要检查你的 责任pp王者电子官网. 另外,确保你有一个 应急装备 方便,知道该怎么做,以防万一.


借用与分享 工具 是做一个好邻居的一部分吗. If your next-door neighbor can't find his Phillips-head screwdriver 和 needs to borrow yours, 这是一个很好的姿态. But it's probably not a great idea to start lending (or borrowing) more expensive equipment. Sharing large items like this can create the sense that you'll always lend things out 和 can also reduce the lifespan of your large purchases or increase the risk of breaking a spendy item. 如果邻居店里有割草机, 你可以做一个例外(或), 以一种善意的姿态, 当你出去做自己的事情时,给他们的院子快速修剪一下。. But otherwise, your neighbors should be responsible for buying 和 maintaining their own equipment.


My neighbor's tree is beautiful — 和 it arches beautifully across my backyard. 我认为 需要修剪. 谁负责??

啊, 你说的是空气权, one of the most interesting things about owning property 和 sharing boundaries with neighbors. 延伸到院子里的树枝占据了你的空间, 所以如果你担心他们或者看到枯枝, 你当然可以修一下. 然而,最好和你的邻居谈谈你的担忧. 也许他们注意到院子里的树枝需要修剪, 太, 你们可以达成协议,分摊任何费用.


首先,亲自联系他们. They may not realize that the noise is bothersome or that your walls are not as insulating as they might have thought.

对于租房者, 如果这不起作用, contact the l和lord or property owner with documented instances to find out next steps. 适合邻居吵闹的房主, reach out politely 和 explain that the music or noise carries 和 why you would like it stopped. 通常只是说说就行了.


In a world w在这里 connectivity is everything, it's a good idea to 保持 any 技术访问私密且安全. A guest network on your own router will 保持 neighbors from infecting your data 和 devices if they are hacked. To prevent neighbors from permanently accessing your Wi-Fi, you can occasionally change the password.


成为好邻居的几个方法是帮助别人 铲雪, help clean yards, host a neighborhood cookout or participate in clean-up day. You could build a free library or book share box in your front yard. Gardening is another great way for neighbors to work together to create, 保持, 成长收获丰厚 社区花园. If you have a garden, consider offering surplus to families in your neighborhood. 有很多实用而简单的方法 回馈你的社区 建立可行的关系.

一定要复习你的 pp王者电子官网责任范围个人责任保障. 联系你的 代理 如果你有 问题.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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急切地想把你家的门面打扮得漂漂亮亮? 一些简单的修饰可以提高你家的外观吸引力.

怎样才能成为一个好房客? 保持你的租赁财产处于最佳状态

Taking care of your 租金al might allow for 租金 negotiations 和 more favorable terms of the lease.

